Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Ending on a positive note

Scott's night has ended more like it started today-good. He has been awake a lot more this evening. Janiece left for this first time for a few hours tonight to attend Shelby's Softball banquet and Scott really wanted her to leave a cell phone so he could call out if he needed. He has been talking on the phone, just like the old days! :)

He has had a few visitors and is really enjoying them. Now that he is awake more he wants someone to be in the room with him. The ICU "closes" to visitors for shift change/report from 7-8:30 and Scott tried to talk the nurse into letting our parents and myself stay during that time so he wouldn't have to be alone. No such luck, though.

We went down for dinner during that time and Scott called us at 8:25 and said "They said you could come back so get in here" When we came back Max and Karen, Alan, Steve and Chelsea were here to see him. Somehow we all came back at the same time, when the nurse saw how many people were in his room, she came in to "remind" us of the 2 visitors at a time rule. Scott was trying to sweet talk her into letting us all stay! He seems more and more like himself today. As I am typing this by his bedside he is reading text messages!

He is no longer feeling nauseated and his pain is under control. He is still on track for surgery tomorrow morning, which I am nervous that in some ways it will be like "starting over." Tomorrow will likely be a rough day so I am so grateful his night ended on such a positive note.

1 comment:

  1. Hey April....I have read every word of this blog and you and your family are very much on my mind. You and your family are in my prayers. I hope and pray all goes well with your brothers surgery tomorrow. The words you have written in this blog have brought inspiration to my life, I'm one that has to continually work at being a better wife, daughter, mother and friend. I don't know your brother, however, I can feel his love and passion for life through you. Stay strong.... love, Marnae
