Saturday, May 21, 2011

May 21, 2011

Scott had a rough morning today. For unknown reasons, his heart rate dramatically increased (to the 180s). He was started on an iv medication called Amiodarone to treat his increased heart rate/rhythm. The medication did help and for the rest of the day his heart rate was 120-130-still high but much better.

Scott went into his second surgery today at 8:00. This surgery was to clean his wound and also remove any further tissue that may be infected. The surgery was 90 minutes. When the doctor came to speak to us he was pleased with how things had went. He felt like all infected tissue and been removed and that his leg was looking good. So far, Scott is scheduled for more surgery on Monday (the 23rd) and on Wednesday (the 25th). On Monday the leg will be "cleaned" again. On Wednesday the hope is that the surgeon will be able to start closing his wound. When everything is complete, Scott's leg will be amputated to about mid thigh.

Scott woke up much easier from the anesthesia this time than he had the previous time. Unfortunately he also woke up painfully thirsty. Scott's sodium did improve today. It was 131-normal is 135-145. He was granted a few ice chips, which he said only made his thirst worse. By the end of the day, even the ice chips were not allowed.

The doctors are concerned about Scott's fluid balance. Basically he is getting IV fluid and his "input" is far exceeding his "output". So, along with the low sodium this is another reason he can not have fluids by mouth, yet. His kidneys need to "wake up" and he needs to start getting rid of the extra fluid. His lungs are clear (a good thing with extra fluid on board) but he is quite swollen.

Please prayer that his kidneys will return to their normal function.

Please pray that Scott will be comfortable and peaceful until he can drink fluids again.

Please pray that he can drink some water soon!

Only an hour or two after his surgery the physical therapist came to get Scott out of bed to try and sit in a chair for a little bit. Scott gave 110% and tried for 45 minutes to complete the task but he could not do it. He was too weak and it was awkward for him to manuever how he needed to get in the chair. The physical therapist told him he had done well for his first time and that he could be done. Scott said "I'm not done. I need to stand and give my wife a hug."

He hugged his wife.

Scott again was sleepy today but more uncomfortable when he was awake. He was uncomfortable that he could not drink, but he was also having more surgical pain than he did the first time. All visitors were asked to leave for the rest of the day so Scott could rest.

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