Monday, June 6, 2011

Battle of the Wills

Scott's magnesium is still low so he continues to receive IV replacement of this. His blood pressure has also been a little high today (Scott generally runs on the lower end of normal). He did have one day of high blood pressure the first time he was in the ICU but overall they have been concerned about how low his blood pressure is. Not quite sure why all the fluctuation or what is causing this.

Scott has been up in the chair today and went for a wheelchair ride.

Like I have written before Scott desperately wants to go home. He is insisting that he can go home this Wednesday. He wants to do his therapy in Tremonton. He just really wants to go home. I understand this, I really do, but I just don't think this is the best plan for Scott.

The doctors want Scott to stay and do rehab at IMC. I also think this is the best idea for Scott. Scott is expected to be using crutches and he has never even tried them, yet. Right now, it is exhausting for Scott to get from the bed (which is a hospital bed that raises up to the easiest position for him to get out of bed from) and get in a wheelchair. The doctors want him to have at least three hours of physical therapy a day. I just don't see how he will be able to get in the vehicle, drive to town, and then do physical therapy for three hours. I think getting in the vehicle will be exhausting enough for him. There are so many other issues....I really want Scott to have a few days to learn how to manuever himself and the best way for Janiece and everyone to be able to help him....without anyone getting injured!

It worries me so much. I have seen patients that have not done (or have not given it 100%) physical therapy (with other issues like a knee replacement etc) and they suffer for it. They don't heal as quickly, they have an increased chance of having complications, and their mobility is forever diminished because of it. I don't want this for Scott.

I know how important the rehab part of Scott's illness/amputation is. I know how beneficial it can be for Scott to attend physical therapy and I honestly believe he will do better (at least for a few days) as an in-patient rather than at home.

Have I convinced you all yet? Because I couldn't convince Scott. :)

Whatever happens, it has to come from Scott. It has to be his choice and he has to be motivated to follow up with whatever choice he makes. As always, all of us will be behind him 110%, no matter what. We want to Scott well, we want Scott home, we want and will help him however we can. I want to see him at Shelby and Mick's baseball games, at Shaylie's dance recital, and cheering Shaunie on at the fair. There are so many things to look forward to and be happy about.

P.S. Scott don't kill me for writing this post. ;) Love you big brother!

1 comment:

  1. I work at Mt West Physical Therapy here in Tremonton (across from the old hospital) with your cousin Tammy! We have all been following his journey and are cheering him on here at home. I too am a HUGE advocate for physical therapy and the many benefits it offers. I have been a patient several times over! ;) We would love to help him with his therapy if he chooses to come to Mt West. You are a good sister, and all your "pushing" and convincing will lead to a better outcome!
    I have been nagging my dad about therapy since he had his shoulder done (couple weeks ago) and he's tired of hearing it, but he's doing the work! He'll thank me later.
