Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Best News in the Whole Wide World

Scott was just extubated (the breathing tube was taken out). He is calm and he is back to being Scott. He remembers getting his leg amputated but doesn't remember much from the time after he left the ICU the first time.

I have so many things I want to tell you all about, but right now I just want to continue to stand by Scott's bed and squeeze his hand...and now he is squeezing back.

With so much happiness and gratitude,



  1. That is SO wonderful to hear!! Johnny has been beside himself the last few days! He will be so happy to hear the news! Thank you April for keeping us updated! We check multiple times everyday to see what's going on! My mom prints every post for my Grandpa to read. He is astonished! He'll put the papers down and just say 'It makes me tired just to read it!' We love you all and you are all in our prayers every single time we pray! Give Scott and everyone else our love!

  2. That is the BEST news I've heard all day!!! So, happy for Scott!!!!

  3. So grateful to hear!! A super graduation gift for Shaunie!!

  4. Awesome news!! So glad to hear it was a good day. Love you all!
