Saturday, May 21, 2011

May 19, 2011

When Scott arrived at IMC he had a Central line placed (a catheter placed into the large vein in the neck to receive fluids, medications) and an Art line (a thin catheter inserted into an artery usually in the wrist to measure real time blood pressure and to obtain blood samples). Both of these went smoothly and we were greatly relieved. Scott has never had an easy time getting IV's placed. His veins were difficult to place IV access in and they never lasted long. I should know, I have tried a few times and only succeeded once!

The central line and art line can provide long term access for all the medications and labs that Scott needs and we are grateful he won't have any more needle pokes for a long time!

After his line placements Scott was put in the ICU and given antibiotics while we waited for a specialist to see him and while waiting for lab results to come back. No one needed anyone to tell them that Scott was very sick and this was different than all the previous times. For all you medical junkies out there--Scott's lactate on admission was 9! An ill person can be considered to have a normal lactate with a level below two.

When the specialist came he felt like Scott's left leg needed to have a procedure done to clean and drain out the infection. Some of Scott's labs, that tell how his blood is clotting, had come back low (likely because of the liver impairment) and before surgery he needed to have some plasma and platelet transfusions (Scott has O+ blood type). Surgery was scheduled for 6pm.

I believe Scott felt peace prior to his surgery. He knew he was sick and in so much pain and I think he believed and we all hoped, that this would be a solution to his problem.

Surgery started and Janiece and family waited anxiously for news.

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